Tourist in Seguret

Seguret municipality has an area of ​​21 km2. The lowest and highest point is 124 m and 424 m. In 2015, the municipality had 847 inhabitants of which a certain part of course lives outside the actual urban area.
et is not located at a hilltop like many other villages in Provence but on a terrace slightly up on the bottom of the steep hill raising to an altitude of 424 m.
village is on the west side of the hill. Three streets pass from north to south through the village. If you want to drive by car you can select the west / bottom street of Chemin sous le Barry on the one side follow the medieval  wall and on the other hand have great views of the surrounding flat vine area.
More interesting is the middle street Rue des Poternes which contains pearls of very old buildings small tourist shops and a pair of restaurants, of which Les Mesclun is recommended. Rue des Poternes
is reserved for pedestrians. At both ends of the street you pass old town ports.

below is from a walk through the street in July 2018 from North to South. Two photos of the Fontaine des Mascarons and the bell tower are lent from Anne Moreau who on the linked site tells about Fête d'Hue wine 2014.

There has been cultivated
vines in the area for centuries. In 1684 a wine brotherhood was established, which was also open to other professionals. Eventually it became inactive, but was revived in 1984 with the name Confrérie des Chevaliers du Gouste-Séguret, Compagnons de Saint-Vincent. La cave coopérative de Roaix-Séguret was founded in 1960.

The gate in the middle no longer exists as a port. The tower on the top is today an uninteresting ruin. The walls should be established in the 900s. There are foundations from the Stone Age dwelling two statues of the Roman period (3 m high - Jupiter and a forest God). Oldest city name from written sources (1076) is Secureto, which can easily be recognized as a safe place.
Between 1254 and 1791, the
village and the area belonged to the Pope and were dominated by the bishops of Avignon - like Chateauneuf du Pape, which lay on the border of influence between the king and the pope


The Northern entrance Portail du Bise. Bise=strong vind - mistral. Right the port after passage. Allready here you find yourself at a high level abowe le Barry.

Right: After a sloping walk you come to one of the small touristic shops. The street forward seems more interesting.

Reaching the building with the Mairie sign I was not yet aware that a larger administrative building was built on the road to Sablet. Although the building did not have the "Hotel du Ville" format, I have to admit that when municipalities in France often have few inhabitants, it could be .. In fact it was functioning until a few years ago.
Soon after the "mayor's office" there were several exciting things from the past. The smallest lavoir (laundry) I remember to have seen in Provence, and next to that a
fountain with four grotesque spitters.
Afterword I have learned that such figures are called
mascarons, which should be able to keep malicious "forces" in due distance.
Also the next building, which I missed to look up for was interesting. Therefore
two photos below are lent from Anne Moreau

Left: close-up of the Fontaine des Mascarons, dating from the 17th century.
Right: Bell tower with both horloge (watch) and bellfrie which in typical Provençal way is protected by a jitter - to withstand the most powerfull mistral.

Right: If you want pass the two restaurants and Port Neuve follow the signs.

Restaurant Le Mesclun. From the terrasse a beautyfull view to the plane.

Sunday lunch

Neigbouring Le Mesclun Restaurant Côté Terrasse. The food are less gastronomic but cheeper. From the street by the restaurants you can see Port Neuve.

Left: After the port you will see a smaller, shady parking lot, Place de Liberations. If space to parc here you have only 200 meter to the resturants.
The medieval door is
not restored since 1300s - with the spikes of the original wrought iron. 
Right: Port Neuve seen from South. To the left starts
Chemin sous le Barry,

Chemin sous le Barry follwowing the more than 1000 years old wall.

From le Barry you see vineyards and the village of Sablet

To the left a photo from 2010 with members of the brotherhood with the long name: Confrérie des Chevaliers du Gouste-Séguret, Compagnons de Saint-Vincent. 
The shops in the background are from Avignon, where many smaller appellations in Rhone annually celebrate the common
Ban the Vendange under the umbrella organization Les Compagnons des Côtes du Rhone.

Séguret commune have a website with a lot of information 

The presidént of Syndicate des Vignerons is a very experienced producer Christian Voeux  Domaine de l'Amauve.

The syndicate were until 2017 arranging Quartor des Villages / Salon des Vins (Potos from the event 2017). The event didn't take place in 2018 - not enough participants.

Some producers sell their wines without appointments before a visit but most of them offen is at work in the vineyards. If you want to meet the producer himself you may have en appointment. See the opening hours at the sites about the single producer.

You can also go to Maison du Terroir to buy wines.

On the route (D23) Seguret and Sablet you find  Domaine de Cabasse  Hotel, Restaurant and Domain

Winemakers dinner at the terasse June 2014. 1 Laurent Bellion, 2 Brigitte Brienne, 3 Laurent Plantevin, 4 Pablo Hocht, 5. Frèdéric Meffre - and some Danes

Dinner in the restaurant July 2018

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Update 28-09-2018