
Eric Pfifferling
81, Route des Vignobles 30126 Tavel 
Mail: anglore@wanadoo.fr


I have never met Eric Pfifferling and he´s not a winegrower angling for public marketing. Anyway I have met his name so often during the years when I have been discovering the wines from Rhone. I have not really known where to find his place. Google Map has been helpfull. Maybe I some day will meet him if I can be allowed to do so.
So far I have to use two sources;
Firstly from a copy I did some years ago from an autor who's name I don't remember:

"The history of Eric Pfifferling starts in a sheet noise.... His father, mechanic, hold the garage of the village. This day, between two turns of keys, he hears a deaf buzz. It is a swarm of bees which found refuge under the roof.... beginning of the year 70 ....Facinated the mechanic and his son run at once (Eric is ten years old) look at the firemen dislodging the colony... Pfifferling father decides to keep the hives. A few months later, he sells his business brutally and launches out in the bee-keeping. It is there that Eric will learn its first trade:
"The bees, it is a school of calm and of concentration, he tells. When one works with the bees one works of the alive one. With them, any cheek: climate, mood, felt… Each day is different. The bees that “is not controlled” not. That is accompanied… It is a training of humility. It is like the vine, in a certain manner: one can “take share” but one “does not direct” not. And then work with the bees, it is a school for the wine also: on the flavours… Intensities… Since I am small, the honey and the perfume of the flowers never leave me.”
(Later in the article) "Regulation or not Eric is not card-indexed any badly which in the sulcy the selection coomittees d'agréement and leaves the majority (of his wines as Vin du Table).. rebel, impassioned, utopian he assumes.
"(as) kid I was returned three times of the school. At 20 years, I had one period, say, a little radical… And it is true that one dimensioned “a gang of the proletarian left”, as you say."
(Finally in the article)
For me the revolution, you see, that is not more all to shave. But rather to find balance… To transmit. At 47 years, I can say that I am happy, ouais… I would not change my life. My sons have 14 and 17 years. They grew here. To give that to my children, this nature, it is already an amazing chance.”

More up to date information: an interesting article by Aaron Ayscough who met the next generation Thibault Phifferling in 2018:

“It’s not so sexy, L’Anglore, in fact,” says Thibault Pfifferling, laughing. “This is the heart of L’Anglore. It’s our garage.”

Thibault Pfifferling. Photo: Aaron Ayscough 2018 

Eric Pfifferling. Photo: mifuguemiraisin.com 2010?

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Updated 09-10-2019